Nestled amidst the greens of central Thane, Lodha Sterling feels like a secluded spot removed from the city, yet in the very heart of it. Just minutes from Thane’s hotspots, Lodha Sterling provides quick and easy access to Thane’s finest restaurants, malls, schools, offices, and entertainment. Its ample green cover ensures great air quality and a tranquil neighbourhood, while its central location ensures you’ll always be at the centre of the action.
Lodha Sterling
LODHA Sterling , Clariant Compound, Kolshet Rd, Thane, Maharashtra 400607
Viviana Mall ~10 mins
Jupiter Hospital ~10 mins
Thane railway station ~30 mins
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport ~45 mins
Upcoming Mumbai Metro Line 4 further enhance connectivity
Purer, fresher, clearer air. Take a deep breath.
With thousands of trees enriching the environment and a vehicle-free landscape keeping pollution out, residents at Lodha Sterling will be living in one of the cleanest environments in the country. Lodha Sterling enjoys an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 63, similar to London and New York, and significantly better than anywhere else in Mumbai. Go on, breathe in good health and well-being.
The Air Quality Index.
(Lower the AQI figure, purer the air).
Location | AQI |
London | 43 |
New York | 49 |
Lodha Sterling | 63 |
Navi Mumbai | 154 |
Chennai | 180 |
Mumbai (overall) | 203 |
Delhi | 363 |